5/13/15 – Day 472: Dance Parties Are What I Live For!

If the kids wouldn’t have freaked out, I would have taken a video or a picture of their dancing extravaganza last night to Maggie’s ‘Dove Cameron Radio Station’ on Pandora.

I mean, the boys… who knew they could rave like that!

It was a moment of sheer joy and sweetness. You and I were talking at the table.

The kids were dancing their hearts out.

The music was mildly uplifting at best, fun and harmless at worst.

It was a sweet, perfect, beautiful midweek moment.

These little things… these times when the kids dance so hard, it makes them want to come in and give us hugs and kisses and makes them laugh and smile with each other.

And you and I talking about what’s going on.

These things? That’s what I live for.

I love you.

5/12/15 – Day 471: Talk and Create Moments

I went back and read the first post in this blogging project (although it’s not really a blogging project – it was my way to teach myself to be more intentional in our marriage).

The two main commitments did not include writing a blog post every day.

These were the commitments:

  1. To talk to you: During the day, in the evening, to make time to check in with you.
  2. To create moments: To be the leader in doing stuff that is fun or challenging or even charitable.

Those aren’t commitments, though, for just a year. It can take us our whole lives for me to get really good at both of those things.

Basically, talking to you is learning to excavate your heart – to learn your hopes and dreams and the things that make you hurt.

And creating moments? It’s acting on what I discover about your heart.

Both of these things… as we approach our 10th anniversary in 2 days.. these are lifelong commitments. I’m not always going to be awesome at them.

You have the right to remind me, though. 🙂 Remind… not nag (I say that in jest because you are NOT a nag at all).

I love you and want to spend my life talking and getting to know you and creating moments that will grow us and bring us joy.

5/11/15 – Day 470: The Stress Switch

I’ve been battling insomnia and worry around work issues.

You’ve been extremely kind and helpful – while also not allowing me to wallow.

This morning, you basically told me to turn my stress switch off. Easier said than done, but that’s okay.

I took it as a call to be diligent and do the things that I can do.  That’s all I can do. That’s all you can do.

Do what we can and trust God with the rest.


4/26/15 – Day 455: We’re off!

Today we left to go on our 10 year anniversary trip.
It’s been a long time coming. I won’t say it was much needed or much deserved but it is much appreciated. Although maybe the other two work too. You and I needed this time away together.
You are the love of my life and sometimes the ‘life’ part stifles the romance part of the love. We get to enjoy the romance part.
Now for details.
Nothing says romance like brunch at Cracker Barrel. 🙂 But you know how much I love that joint when we’re on the road.
We did settle things up a bit more with our dinner at Catch 27 in St. Augustine. It was a sweet, quaint little back porch table. Like our own private dinner.
It was a wonderful kickoff to our vacation.
2015-04-26 10.51.04 2015-04-26 19.22.03

4/10/15 – Day 439: Planning Our One Shot at Life Together

I’m 43 and you’re not.

I’ve been thinking over the last few days that we have one shot at this life we’re living.

We have one pass through our children being at the exact ages they are now. We’ll have one shot at it when they’re 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 18, 21, 25, 30, 35, and so forth.

You and I are in this together for the long haul. Let’s do it well. Let’s do it all on purpose.

Let’s build something together that is full of hope, sweetness, joy, and fun. Let’s take chances. Let’s love our kids and do stuff that we don’t want to do as parents (like that Capture the Flag game) because we know we’re planting seeds that will grow our relationships.

Let’s be intimate even when we both feel fat.

Let’s plan and plot and scheme to have the best lives we possibly can to influence each other, our children, and send ripples out far beyond.

We signed up to do this together. Let’s do it.

4/8/15 – Day 437: My 15 Minute Workout

So for your birthday I bought you ‘www.realfitnessmoms.com’ because I think you have a ton to offer. You’ve been working out consistently for like 2-3 years. It’s impressive.

I asked you to put together a quick hit 15 minute workout for me.

You did. It probably took you all of 10 minutes. It took me a solid 15 minutes and a lot of sweat (and full disclosure, as I write this 2 days later –  my abs, butt, and legs are still hurting pretty bad).

You know your stuff and you should get certified and teach this stuff to real moms who want to get fit.

Plankety plank

Plankety plank

Your Workout Wisdom

Your Workout Wisdom